Problem solvers for selected fields of application.
The Rhein-Chemie special products are chemicals for specific
requirements and selected fields of application. They
are also indispensible additives for the processing of synthetic
rubber and the modern vulcanization techniques.
The Rhenofit® product range covers filler activators, blowing
agent promoters and cross linking activators. The Rhenocure®
product range includes standard vulcanizing agents, sulfur donors,
vulcanizing agents for CM and ACM, different versions of insoluble
sulfur and vulcanization accelerators. Dithioates within this
product line provide fast cures for EPDM rubber and improve
heat resistance in natural rubber. Scorchguard is a mineral
oil based dispersion of magnesium oxide used in polychloroprene
and chlorinated polymers as a scorch inhibitor and stabilizer,
and ZicStick, a mineral oil based dispersion of zinc oxide is
used as an activator in sulfur cured compounds.
Predispersed polymer-bound special additives in Rhenogran®
Rhenofit® |
Scorchguard® |
Zik-Stick® |