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Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH is an expanding, international chemical company based in Mannheim. It develops, produces and markets speciality chemicals for the rubber, plastics, petroleum and leather industries.

A broad spectrum of rubber additives and service products represents an ideal supplement to the range supplied by the Rubber Business Group.

Predispersed rubber chemicals and additives
Rhenogran® Predispersed polymer-bound chemicals and additives
Rhenogran® SF Predispersed polymer-bound superfine ground materials with controlled particle size
Rhenocure® Predispersed polymer-bound special additives in Rhenogran® form
Poly-Dispersion® Predispersed polymer-bound chemicals and additives in slab form
Rhenofit® Predispersed additives with inorganic carrier (dry liquids) and specialty additives in oil treated powder form
Processing Promoters
Fatty acids and their derivatives: Additives for mastication, homogenisation/dispersion, moulding, recycling/reclaiming
Rhenopren® Polymerized natural oils: Optimizing of compounding degassing, rigidity and surface finish
Rhenosin® Hydrocarbon resins, coumarone-indene resins, ether plasticizers, tackifiers and homogenizing agents
Release agents
Rhenodiv® Silicone-free and silicone oil containing release agents based on specialty soaps, tensides and inorganic fillers as well as tyre inside and outside paints
Levaform® Release agents based on aqueous emulsions of silicon oil and clear silicone oil
Specialty Polymers
Urepan® High performace polyurethane-based synthetic rubbers
Rhenoblend® cross-linkable reclaims and polymer blends
Anti-sun check waxes and anti-ozonants
Antilux® n/iso-Paraffine: Spezielle Wachse mit ausgesuchter n/iso-paraffins: Special waxes with selected molecular weight distribution for tyre applications, special waxes with altering migration rate, suitable for technical rubber goods of all kinds




























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